
A sincere thank you...

Thanks to you – our generous donors – we are able to provide crisis prevention and intervention services to thousands of Iowans every year. We sincerely appreciate your continued partnership to be a trusted support when life gets tough. All people. Any time. Every time.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our FY2022 donors (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022), listed below. Please report any errors to Katie Curtis at kcurtis@foundation2.org.

380 Corridor Sports
Abbie Stolte
ACH United Way Payments
Adam Demeulenaere
Aileen Buckler
Alex Trunnell
Alexa Dilworth
Alliant Energy
Alliant Energy Foundation
Allie Payne
Altorfer Inc.
Amanda Cooling
Amanda Zhorne
Amazon Smile
Andra Legge
Andrea and Ben Rogers
Andrea Rahe
Andrew Nelson
Andy Weigel
Angelica Vannatta
Ann and Eric Hearn
Ann Marie Curtin
Anna and Bernard Manternach
April Shroeder
Ashley Maiers
Bankers Trust
Barb and Scott Gay
Benjamin and Barbara Koehn
Betty Debban Trust
BGHN Associates P.C.
Bill Randolph
Blackbaud Giving Fund
Bloomhall Family Foundation
Bobbi O’Connell
Brandon Boggs
Brent and Katie Mohasci
Brian Rosteck
Brian Schmelzer Memorial Ride
Bruce and Elizabeth Ray
Bryan Mullen
Candace DeGraff
Carly Henderson
Cedar Rapids Bank and Trust
Cedar Rapids Inside LLMCC
CellSite Solutions
Chris Koepplin and Andy Damrow
Cindy Jean
Clarice Krippner
Clay Shirk
Clint Brady
Clock House Brewing
Colleen and Ryan Munter
Craig and Debra Reeg
Craig Campbell
Crescent-Janko Foundation
D.C. Taylor Co.
Dan Barkley
Danielle and Randy Rings
Dave and Amy Curtis
Dave Wright Nissan
Dawn Ethofer
de Novo
Dean and Roxann Pospisil
Deb Furguson
Deborah Boand Oliver
Deborah Dent
Diamond V
Don Damsteegt
Doug and Jana Grimm
Doug and Mary Morningstar
Dr. Julianne Thomas
Dr. Martin and Lori Weber
Duane Forbes
Dupaco Community Credit Union
Eastern Iowa Health Center
Edith Kadlec
Eleanor Streletzky
Emily Blomme
Emily Good and Scott Bernstrup
Erin and Britton Langdon
Erin Hearn
Evan and Julie Hupp
FiberUtilities Group
Fred and Starr Moyer
Frederick Wilson
Frontier Co-op
Gary and Nancy Strandberg
Gary Doerrfeld
GCRCF Advisors
GCRCF client software support
Great Western Bank
Greater Cedar Rapids Open

Greater Iowa Credit union
Green State Community Credit Union
Guy and Terri Wendler
Haylie Roth
Heather Ballard Belton
Heather Ries
Heidi Goettsch
Hilary Hershner
Hills Bank
Holmes Murphy Foundation
Housing Fund for Linn County
Inge Erickson
International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, & Transportation Local 263
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers #405
International Paper
Iowa Giving Crew
Iowa Solutions
J. David and Alexandria Carey
Jacob and Katie Curtis
Jama Ohrt
James Dollard
Jane Decious
Janelle Hall
Janice and Scott Byers
Jared and Carol Hills Foundation
Jean and Mitch McElree
Jean Junk
Jebediah and Amy Novak
Jenny and Michael Becker
Jeremy and Julie Freese
Jeremy Burk
Jessica and Bryan Netolicky
Jessica Shueler Horaney
Jill Wilson
Joann Eadie
Jon and Joan Rasmussen
Jonathan Fasselius
Josh Kelly
Josh Sprang
Judy Amster
Judy Thomas
Julie Hoyt
Julie Stephens
Justin Hlas
Karen Morrow
Karen Williams
Karl Hoffman
Kate Williams
Katherine Manders
Kathy and Brad Colton
Kathy Kaiden
Katie and Jacob Curtis
Katie Curtis
Katie Johnson
Kelly McKenna
Kerry Patrick
KF Engineering
Kim and Michael Hollenberg
Kim Frank
Kim Hillyard
King’s Material
Kris and Renae Koth
Kris and Ron Hellweg
Laura and Duane Smith
Laura Booth
Laura McClure
Laura Meade
Laura Stallman
Lea Olson
Lee Swanson
Liebovich Steel
Lil’ Drug Store Products Inc.
Linda and David Langston
Linda and Kevin Lauver
Linge Foundation
Linn Area Credit Union
Linn County Advocate
Lisa and Andre Gallet
Local Area Trades Golf Open
Lois Prosser
Luke Armstrong
Lynch Ford
Majorie Fletcher
Marcia Crapo
Marcia Stahl
Margaret Matthews
Mariah Hurley
Mariah Obiedzinski
Marie Anderson
Marjorie Fletcher
Mark and Stephanie Johnson
Mary Chester
Mary Gehris
Matt Heinricy
Matt Majeski
Matthew Kishinami
May G. Gortner Charitable Trust

McGrath Auto
Mental Health Matters 5k
Michael Green
Michael Greif
MidAmerican Energy Foundation
Mike and Linnan Ryan
Mike Wilwol
Mindy and Dave Sorg
Miron Construction
Nadine Hartkemeyer
Network for Good
New Leader Manufacturing
Nicole McAlexander
Nikki Pearson
Nikkole Williamson
Norma and Keith Colton
Nova and Dan Kolander
Patricia Edaburn
Patrick Walker
Paul Betterton
Paul Morris
Penny Spencer
Phil and Christy Rezin
Pribyl Golf outing
Quinn Arnold
Rachel Anderson
Rachel Koth
Raffle- Venmo
Ralph and Lynn Kendrick
Ready Wireless
Renae and Kris Koth
Renaissance Charitable
Reta and Mike Wilkins
Richard Lopez
Rick and Sharon Hannen
Robert Hoyt
Robert Ray
Rock Valley Physical Therapy
Rodhe Family Charitable Foundation
Rough Riders
Ryan and Peggy Bock
Ryan Buresh
Saint Pius X Parish
Sam McGrane and Brandon Boggs
Sandy Merritt
Sara Carter
Sarah Antin
Scott and Penny Olson
Shae Hale
Sharon and Lawrence Pepper
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
St. Pius X School District
Stacie Reed
Stacy Cannoy
Stephen and Nicole Pedron
Stephen Tyson
Steve and Laurie Jansen
Subaru Cedar Rapids
Susan and Jon Novak
Susan Enzle
Susan Haley and Gary Luxon
Susan Swain
Tanya Rosenkranz Malley
Taylor and Spencer Vanderlind
Teri Gibson
Terry and Gail Smith
The Accel Foundation
The Goldensoph Family
The Smug Classic
Theresa Lewis
Thomas C. Jackson and Joanne Stevens
Tim Frazee
Tina Hickey
Tom Hess
Tracey Achenbach
Tricia Kitzmann
Trudy Haines and Glen Colton Charitable Trust
TrueNorth Companies
Twedt-Ball Family Fund
United Fire Group
United Methodist Women
Unity Center of Cedar Rapids
Valerie Clay
Valerie Clay and Todd Clay
Van Meter
Vearl and Sharon Reinken
Verna Boland
Wanda and Ronnie Detert
Westminster Presbyterian Church
William Lehman
William Meeks
Women Lead Change
World Class Industries