Emergency Youth Shelter

Providing a safe, stable place for youth

The Foundation 2 Crisis Services’ Emergency Youth Shelter is a 24/7, 365 day a year emergency shelter for youth experiencing a personal or family crisis which makes it necessary to temporarily live away from home. The shelter is open to youth between the ages of 11-17.

What we do

Currently, this 17-bed facility is the only one available in Linn County. We offer temporary shelter and support services to both system youth and youth who are not in the judicial system—a safe alternative to the dangers of living on the streets. The shelter includes sleeping rooms, full kitchen, recreation and TV space, outdoor spaces, music room and more. We strive to make the atmosphere feel welcoming and home-like.

Youth between the ages of 11-17 are eligible to stay at the Youth Shelter. It is a co-ed facility; youth can have any gender identity or sexual orientation.

Criteria for admission include:

  • Considered as a runaway or homeless youth, or at risk of experiencing homelessness, or in an unsafe situation
  • No formal system involvement with Iowa HHS or the juvenile court system

Our shelter and family counseling services are designed to:

  • restore appropriate parent-child roles
  • clarify strengths, values and needs
  • aid in listening and understanding
  • explore solutions to troubling issues and build skills in order to prevent or resolve future conflicts
  • focus on preventing runaway behavior, suicide attempts, child abuse, family breakup, school failure or the placement of a runaway or homeless youth

Referrals are accepted from parents/guardians, law enforcement officials, social workers and other human service professionals. Contact the Foundation 2 Crisis Services’ Youth Shelter at 319-366-8797.

Are you a homeless or runaway youth?

If you are a runaway or homeless youth, or at risk of experiencing homelessness, or in an unsafe situation, we may be able to help. The Youth Shelter is open to youth ages 11-17. We accept individuals of all genders and orientations. You can contact the Youth Shelter on your own for more information or to request a bed. All criteria must be met in order to stay. Learn more at 319-366-8797.

How we help

Providing basic needs
Services at the Youth Shelter include:

  • Meals, limited transportation and medical care
  • Structured supervision from professional staff 24 hours per day, 365 days a year
  • Individual and group counseling, and educational programming dealing with youth-related issues
  • In-shelter school services taught by certified teachers for those not enrolled in the Cedar Rapids school area.

Short-term crisis support
Individuals generally stay at the Youth Shelter for a short time until a longer-term solution becomes available. This can include a safe friend or family member, foster care placement or other safe living solution.

Donate or Volunteer

We regularly need volunteers for projects in and around the youth shelter.

Opportunities include:

  • Maintaining outdoor landscaping and seasonal clean up
  • Deep cleaning indoor spaces
  • Organizing art and music rooms
  • Preparing a serving a meal

Donations help us provide a home-like environment and meet youths’ basic needs.

We accept donations of items in new conditions including:

  • Shampoo, conditioner and other haircare products
  • Deodorant, lotion, body wash
  • Socks and underwear (for teens, male and female)
  • Recreation supplies (ie. art supplies, board games)